SonoScape EG-UC5T Linear Eco-Endoscope

The innovative EG-UC5T Linear-Array echoendoscope expands therapeutic and staging options.

Featuring a 4.0 mm working channel, the EG-UC5T allows users to perform adequate tissue sampling and various therapeutic endoscopic intervention procedures under ultrasound guidance.

  • Viewing angle 150°
  • Acoustic frequency 5-12 MHz
  • 4.0 mm working channel
  • Insertion tube diameter 12.4 mm
  • Short radius of curvature
  • Equipped with air-water button
  • Harmonic EUS with enhanced contrast and EUS elastography
  • State-of-the-art transducer with enhanced electromagnetic shielding technology
  • Lightweight handle with four fully customizable buttons
  • Unique cut-out design on the back of the elevator for easy cleaning
  • Compatible with the HD-550 endoscopy system
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