The BACTRYL™ Spray & Wipes provides both cleaning and disinfection of general surfaces, instruments, and medical devices (dental clappers, cabinets, endoscopes, etc.). BACTRYL™ Disinfectant is a superior product; it is a class IIb medical device and therefore can be used on both invasive and non-invasive medical devices. BACTRYL™ Disinfectant Spray & Wipes has a broad spectrum of activity, in daily use: fungicidal, mycobactericidal, virucidal, simticidal, and bactericidal. It reduces biofilm and is fully compatible with all surfaces and medical devices.
Features include:
Ready-to-use cleaning and disinfection solution
Easy to use and safe for operators
Strong cleaning
Fully validated and compliant with EN 14885 and VAH, DVV standards (validation available, registration in progress)
Very fast contact time for disinfection from 30 seconds
Broad spectrum of microbiological activity
Easy to clean liquid with bacteriostatic activity
Durable wipes with a wetting level designed to maximize surface coverage
Packaging: available in two formats: 1000 ml spray bottle and tube with 110 wipes