Launch of the Sonoscape Linear Endoscope with the ESGE

The highly anticipated SonoScape Endoscopy 2021 event!

Join the Online Webinar: "Modern EUS: New Developments, New Options," taking place next Wednesday, November 24th at 12:00 Portuguese time, during which the long-awaited virtual launch of the SonoScape EG-UC5T linear echoendoscope will occur!

In collaboration with the #ESGE (European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy), this webinar also offers the opportunity to observe a series of online clinical cases performed with SonoScape endoscopy systems, as well as updates on the latest trends, techniques, and EUS guidelines with three globally recognized EUS specialists:

Chair: Nonthalee Pausawasdi

Presenters: Ge Nan Pedro Rosón

This webinar also provides a digital space to hear feedback from the first users of this innovative system.

Participation in the event is free, and registrations are already open.